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Our troops came close to the O0532 road in one of the areas in the Ugledar area

By Top War


Russian troops, continuing offensive operations in the Ugledar direction, reached the Ugledar-Maryinka road. It is reported that this happened a few kilometers northeast of Ugledar.

Rapid actions of Russian troops after intensive impact on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with artillery and aviation did not allow the enemy to build any serious line of defense near one of the sections of the mentioned road O0532.

The infantry units of our army, having advanced about another 1 km in the afternoon, came close to the road.

The enemy is still holding defenses on the road itself, but is suffering significant losses, which may in the coming hours affect his ability to resist our troops in this area. Accordingly, the Russian Armed Forces are close to cutting off the O0532 road northeast of Ugledar, which will significantly complicate the supply scheme for the Ugledar garrison of the Ukrainian army…


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