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By Jennifer Sparks aka J.Cherry


It’s just human capital, like jelly fish and woodpeckers!

Yuval Noah Harari at a local TEDx event (12/8/14)

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“Human rights are just like heaven or God. It’s just a fictional story that we’ve invented and spread around. It may be a very nice story, it may be a very attractive story we want to believe it, but it’s just a story. It’s not a reality. It is not a biological reality, just as jelly fish, woodpeckers, and ostriches, have no rights, homo sapiens have no rights also. Take a human cut him open, look inside you find their blood, you find the heart, the lungs and kidneys, but you don’t find there are any rights. The only place you find rights are in the fictional stories that humans have invented and spread around.” 

– Yuval Harari, featured historian, speaker and philosopher, at World Economic Forum.

Human capital is a commodity and just like cattle, or fish, the human has no rights. Rights are a fairytale. The stakeholders are the trustees of the earth and they plan to control all of her natural resources, her animals, both human and beast, her oceans and her fish, her air, and the bugs that burrow in the ground. Who are the stakeholders? The powerful elite and politicians that serve them. This is the core philosophy of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the stakeholders behind it. Welcome to the new age of Information Technology aka IT, Artificial Intelligence, aka AI, and Financial Tech aka FinTech, where you are outsourced, or just plain useless. Data is the gold. Whoever controls and manages data has a lot of power.

“Previously in history the most important resource was land. Then it was machines. Now data is the most important resource. Politics is becoming the struggle to control data, and the future belongs to those who monopolize the data. One of the biggest political questions of our era is, How do you regulate the ownership of data?” 

– Yuval Harari. (You can read more about The Hackable Human.)

I want to connect all the dots to show a full picture of how Harari’s ideas and The Fourth Industrial Revolution are very relevant to our lives here in the United States, especially here in Connecticut.

“The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”

– The World Economic Forum (bold is my emphasis) 

Our state is run on public, private, partnerships. Every citizen really needs to under stand this fact. Lamont has created MANY new public, private, partnerships in CT. These partnerships have tentacles around the world that affect many facets of our life locally. Many policy laws coming out of Hartford are indeed shaped by The World Economic Forum and the global agenda to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Not only that, the State of Connecticut is home to some of the most powerful people in the world. It is a regional hub favorite for those that want to get to Manhattan in a jiffy. When the governor brags about people moving into the state he is talking about the rich and powerful class who benefit gloriously from Lamont’s horrendous public, private, partnerships, and the taxation they create. The partnership I am discussing today is called PACT, an acronym for Partnership to Advance the Connecticut of Tomorrow aka PACT. As a small state Connecticut is also a great testing ground for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and rulership via stakeholder capitalism.

Screenshot, World Economic Forum

We have shipped many of our well-paying jobs overseas over the last several decades and it has been disastrous for regular citizens. Are we being outsourced on purpose? The government has made it easy for global companies to promise jobs to American citizens, but actually hire people outside of the United States. Immigration laws enacted under George Bush Sr., created what is known as the alphabet of visas. This is one loophole that not only undermines the tax system we all pay into, American IT professionals are being replaced with cheaper foreign labor. Some of this labor is under student visas and does not require companies to pay anything. What a racket, get millions of dollars of taxpayer funded grants to hire American citizens. Then not hire Americans and not be required to disclose who you hire…


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