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Parasites are demons: the ultimate blackpill

By UglyBastard 

I promised some people here that I would talk a bit about the hidden side of parasites, I see that you are finally starting to pay more attention to the parasite issue, that’s good, it’s a start. But you have to realise how serious it is. Some of you may already be suspicious, but you need to understand the true function of these creatures in the world, what their purpose is, and why the hell some types LIVE in people’s BRAINS. Well, I’ll try to be brief;
Firstly, I want to make one thing clear: microorganisms, fungi, worms, bacteria, parasites, etc. are all the same thing, to varying degrees. To put it succinctly: they are all gateways to our world.
I’ll try to be as simple, clear and brief as possible, I’ll avoid more technical and complicated words, it’s essential for anyone to understand how serious this really is.

Let’s take it step by step;
A parasite can possess any animal, such as rats, capybaras, fish, pigs, cats, dogs and so on.
There are parasites that “take over” the rat’s mind, making it surrender to the cat to be devoured.
Then this parasite takes over the mind of the cat or dog and ends up in the human being. How? People are getting more and more intimate with other animals, and not just in a sexual sense, but also in an affectionate way, considering and seeing them as CHILDREN, taking these animals to bed and even KISSING them on the mouth… This is unhealthy and a vehicle for the parasites, these people are influenced, COMPELLED to do this, because they feel a desire, an inexplicable love for these animals… The desire to crush them because they’re so cute, the urge to kiss them in the mouth, to allow them to LICK your mouth, your face, all of this is actually a command from these parasites, seeking to infect more and more people with other micro-organisms, which will mutate, mix and metamorphose with other creatures that are already in the person’s organism, and finally become parasites, some of which even reach people’s brains. The brain is the goal. People who have sex with animals are completely dominated by parasites, they stimulate the person to feel certain desires, they PLANT these absurd desires, they incite them to practise perverse and filthy acts precisely to lodge MORE brothers, micro-organisms inside the person, they make people become more and more infected, they look for more companions to incorporate and evolve inside the person, they modify, mix and evolve to try to reach the brain, remember, the brain is the goal.’ Many people have parasites in their brains and will never know it, including powerful people in high positions…

When the parasite reaches the brain, it’s too late, there’s no medicine to kill them lodged in the brain, the only way is surgical extraction, but that’s the problem.

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