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Pascal Najadi “Global US Military Operation #STORM reality in 2024”


The Current Wartime President Trump is our Retribution for High Treason and Democide by corrupt rogue government element, WHO – This is the total Obliteration of the globalist Deep State.

In the year 2023, it has become evident that the Covid PsyOp was meticulously planned and executed long before its implementation. From 2020 until the present day, influential Traitors and Demociders such as Fauci, Biden, the WHO, the WEF, Gavi, Bill Gates, Swiss Health Minister and President Alain Berset, Emmanuel Macron, Lula of Brasil, Von der Leyen, Lauterbach, Drosten, Trudeau, and numerous other individuals in positions of power within governments, supranational organizations, NGOs, military factions, and the medical field, have actively worked against the welfare of humanity. They have committed a Democide and High Treason of unprecedented proportions, surpassing even the most devastating events described in biblical texts.

The motive behind their actions becomes clear when we examine their unified support for the injection of a Bioweapon disguised as an experimental mRNA Gene-altering substance into over 5.7 billion individuals worldwide. This coordinated effort, known as Lockstep or Gleichschritt, draws disturbing parallels to Nazi terminology.

To further their agenda, these malevolent actors have colluded with pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna, who have profited immensely from unconstitutional and discriminatory apartheid-like regimes. These regimes were established under the guise of Covid laws, which were based on a fraudulent and ineffective PCR test. The government and mass media, acting as accomplices, have manipulated public opinion by disseminating false narratives and discrediting esteemed institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, and MIT, along with the top scientists who had warned against the dangers of these lethal and harmful shots.

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