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Pelosi Likens Trump to Murdering Mobster — ‘Do You Paint Houses Too?’


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) suggested President Donald Trump was a mobster Wednesday during her floor speech shortly before a House vote to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

Pelosi said, “The president of the United States, in using appropriated funds enacted in a bipartisan way by this Congress, funds that were meant to help the Ukraine fight the Russians — the president considered that his private ATM machine, I guess. And said he could say to the president, he could make — do me a favor. Do me a favor? Do you paint houses too? What is this? Do me a favor?”

Pelosi took license to alter the pronouns in Trump’s reported quote from “me” to “us.” Her “paint houses” reference is from Martin Scorsese’s Netflix film “The Irishman,” in which Robert De Niro’s character of a mob hitman explains painting houses is slang for murder with the “paint” meaning blood splattered on the walls.

The film is based on a book titled “I Heard You Paint Houses: Frank “The Irishman: Sheeran and Closing the Case on Jimmy Hoffa.”


One Comment

  1. GD Johnson GD Johnson January 17, 2020

    You mean like your mobster father crime boss? The fruit doesn’t fall far from your tree does it P?

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