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Pentagon Report Warns America At Risk, Unprepared For Alien Invasion

by EraOfLight 

Note from Era of Light: We only share this to show you the desperation the dark finds itself in.

By Brendan Taylor


According to a recently disclosed report, internal watchdogs at the Pentagon have concluded that U.S. officials are not equipped to protect the country in the event of a potential alien invasion, DailyMail reported.

Pentagon report made 11 recommendations to address challenges, says DoD needs formal policies to identify UAPs.

The document, now declassified, reveals that the Department of Defense (DoD) doesn’t have a well-organized system to monitor and study UFOs, now called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). The Office of Inspector General (OIG) warns that this lack of attention to UAPs could seriously threaten both military forces and national security.

In response to the concerns raised in the report, the OIG has put forward 11 recommendations. These suggestions involve implementing protective policies and creating new tools specifically designed to deal with the possibility of an extraterrestrial attack.

The agency conducted the evaluation between May 2021 and June 2023, examining Presidential and Department of Defense (DoD) policies, directives, and guidance. The focus of the investigation included individuals responsible for setting requirements in areas such as intelligence gathering, counterintelligence, force protection, and safeguarding civil liberties.

“However, military pilots have continued to report UAP incidents despite the sporadic efforts of the DoD to identify, report, and analyze the events,” it read. The 2023 report compiled assessments to determine if the Pentagon, military branches, defense agencies, and counterintelligence organizations carried out specific actions “to detect, report, collect, analyze, and identify UAP.”

‘The DoD has not issued a comprehensive UAP response plan that identifies roles, responsibilities, requirements, and coordination procedures for detecting, reporting, collecting, analyzing, and identifying UAP incidents,” OIG concluded.

Incomplete reporting: DoD’s missing mandate for key observations

Certain unexplained observations have been reported to the AARO, but the review highlighted that the DoD doesn’t mandate military services to submit such reports.

‘DoD Components have largely excluded geographic combatant commands, which are responsible for detecting, deterring, and preventing threats and attacks against the United States and its territories, possessions, and bases in their respective areas of responsibility, in developing UAP policies and procedures,’ OIG determined in the 16-page document.

To tackle the concerns highlighted in the report, the DoD OIG stated that they have put forth eleven recommendations to the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security.

One of the recommendations suggests that the DoD should establish a policy to incorporate roles, responsibilities, requirements, and coordination procedures related to UAP into existing intelligence, counterintelligence, and force protection policies and procedures…


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