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‘Perfectly Healthy’ 15-Month-Old Girl Dies Two Days After Routine Vaccination

By John-Michael Dumais


A 15-month-old girl from Greenwood Lake, New York, died two days after receiving routine vaccinations during a wellness checkup, leaving her family searching for answers.

Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren went into cardiac arrest and died on Oct. 19, after receiving three vaccines — for varicella, DTaP and Hib — at her 15-month wellness visit on Oct. 17 with the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group in Warwick, New York, according to News12 the Bronx.

“She was a perfectly healthy child,” her mother, Katherine Palombi, told News12. “I’m in complete shock.”

Palombi told News12 that Melody had waved goodbye to her that morning as she dropped her off at her grandmother’s before leaving for work. As soon as she got to work, Palombi’s mother called, saying Melody was having trouble breathing…


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