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Political Dark Ages Blind America

By Steve Eichler

(PatriotHQ) Jeremiah 5:21 – Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not!

Isn’t this exactly what is happening today! The hate of Donald Trump is digging a grave not only for future Democrats with political ambitions but for all office holders and candidates! The genie is out of the bottle and there is no way to get him back in!

The Dark Ages of politics have descended on America. Government operations are cloked in lies, hate and maleficence paving the way for a tyrant from either side of the aisle to swoop in and grind any opposition into dust and destroy the fabric of who we are as a nation.

Political Lawyers fear indicting former President Donald Trump lowers political prosecution standards and puts them on a slippery path and into a path of darkness.

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