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Politically bankrupt Dems resorting to lies that Trump’s ‘destroying the rule of law’ because they can’t beat him on the issues

The Democrats’ entire premise is nonsensical, hysterical, and completely at odds with how presidents and their attorneys general interact

By Jon Dougherty

(TNS) It’s becoming more obvious by the day that 2020 Democratic presidential contenders, as well as Garbage Party rank-and-file members of Congress, have nothing in their political arsenal to fire at President Donald Trump that will effectively counter his juggernaut heading into the November elections.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi believes that lying to Americans are about the fantastic economy created by the president’s policies and Republican tax cuts really isn’t as good as they’re actually seeing and living, but that’s not going anywhere.

The Trump economy is solid and growing. The president has kept his promise on new trade deals. Illegal immigration is down. The border fence/wall is going up. The world is stable. There is a peace deal with the Taliban ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan on the table. Wall Street stocks, including personal 401(k) retirement savings plans, are at record highs. The RNC and the Trump reelection campaign are raising monster funds. Trump rallies are getting bigger and more raucous.

And what do the Democrats have to counter all of this success and enthusiasm? They tried impeaching the man mostly responsible for all of this success, but that turned out to be a political miscalculation that actually improved the president’s popularity.

Now they seem to be settling on an old narrative: That President Trump is a “threat to the rule of law” because he tweeted about a court case involving an ally who was about to be railroaded by four political activists posing as federal prosecutors.

The Hill reported Sunday:

Democrats are issuing dire warnings that the rule of law is under attack by President Trump after the Department of Justice (DOJ) overruled career prosecutors to seek a lighter sentence for longtime Trump aide Roger Stone.

The move incensed Democratic lawmakers and raised new questions about potential White House interference at the agency.

“Left to his own devices, President Trump would turn America into a banana republic, where the dictator can do whatever he wants and the Justice Department is the president’s law firm — not a defender of the rule of law,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday on the Senate floor in response.

‘Banana republic.’

The Hill even got in on the hysteria:

Many lawmakers called the shocking development just the latest in a series of assaults on the rule of law during Trump’s presidency. For many, the Stone controversy appeared to be a tipping point for the politicization of the top federal law enforcement agency under Trump and what they fear is an unprecedented expansion of presidential powers.

Why is this a “shocking development” — because The Hill says so?

The paper even quoted the biggest liar and leaker on Capitol Hill — Adam Schiff — as someone who is ‘concerned’ about Trump ‘destroying’ the republic.


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