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Poll: Republicans See Biden as Being More Harmful Than Putin

By Paul Joseph Watson

A new poll finds that Republicans see Joe Biden as being more harmful to the world than Vladimir Putin.

A Morning Consult poll revealed that 83 per cent of Republicans believe that the world would be better off without the Russian leader in office.

However, a marginally greater number, 84 per cent, believe the same thing about the current incumbent of the Oval Office.

In comparison to 7 out of 8 Republicans believing Biden’s presence in the White House is harmful to the world, only 17 per cent of Democrats are of the same opinion.

With the mid-terms coming up later this year, Democrats are likely to be most alarmed by the number of Independents – 51 per cent – who believe the world would be better off without Biden in office.

Only 34 per cent of Independents believe the world will be worse off without Biden in command…

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