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Pollak: Biden, Harris Send Dangerously Mixed Messages on Israel



President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been sending mixed messages on their support for Israel in recent days, reflecting competing priorities within the administration, and boosting the confidence of Hamas terrorists.

On Friday, Harris said Israel had the right to defend itself, while also suggesting the Biden administration is opposed to the Israeli government — a sentiment Biden echoed on Saturday, saying Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was “hurting Israel.”

Biden also said that Israel should not attack the last Hamas battalions in Rafah, calling it a “red line.” At the same time, he said that he would not punish Israel for doing so by cutting off the weapons it needs for self-defense.

Effectively, Biden is saying that winning the war is a “red line” that he will not allow Israel to cross. But he has refused to say what the consequences would be.

Instead, he has emphasized the need for humanitarian aid to reach Palestinians — as if Israel were not allowing hundreds of trucks to enter Gaza every day.

Biden now wants to build a port in Gaza to help with aid imports, but has promised no “boots on the ground,” meaning the U.S. will have to rely on Israel for help.

So instead of using American leverage over Israeli policy, Biden is actually making U.S. forces dependent on help from Israel, reducing American leverage. He is criticizing Israel, while tying his administration more closely to the war effort.

These contradictory messages are the result of political pressure within the White House and the Democratic Party…


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