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Pompeo: We Must Support Israel’s Resolute Victory In This War Against Evil

This week, my wife, Susan, and I visited Israel for the first time since the barbaric Hamas attacks on October 7.  I’ve been to Israel many times.  But this visit was the most poignant and the most heartbreaking.  What Hamas terrorists did to innocent Israelis on October 7 was so shocking, so sadistic, that it is difficult to capture in mere words.  In communities across the southern parts of the country, I saw homes destroyed and met families who had been devastated.  I met mothers, fathers, grandparents, and siblings whose loved ones were being held hostage by wicked terrorists in truly awful conditions.  Seeing these devastated communities firsthand only made it clearer than ever that our country must continue to support Israel in its fight to destroy Hamas, so that the tragedy of October 7 never happens again.

My trip also made it even more frustrating to hear the Biden Administration’s criticisms of Israel’s response.  Last week, President Biden characterized Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas as “over the top.”  Also last week, Jon Finer, a deputy national security advisor in the Administration, said that the Biden Administration’s lukewarm statements of support for Israel were “missteps” that he regretted had left a “very damaging impression based on what has been a wholly inadequate public accounting for how much the president, the administration and the country values the lives of Palestinians.”  How completely disappointing.

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