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Popcorn: Hunter Biden’s Ex-Stripper Baby Mama to Publish Tell-All in August

The 2024 United States Presidential Election Circus continues to keep all three rings busy 24/7 with stuff to watch. The one certainty that we can count on is that we are not going to be bored between now and November.

One of the biggest assists that Joe Biden got from mainstream and social media in 2020 was the brutal effectiveness with which they swept the news of his boy Hunter’s laptop under the rug. In fact, they insisted that it wasn’t even real. If any of us in conservative media dared mention it, we were silenced and de-platformed. Even the New York Post got booted from social media for having the audacity to publish the very real news about it.

Whether it would have changed anything is impossible to know now, but the unmitigated sleaziness of Hunter Biden might have been off-putting to those soccer moms who flocked to his daddy in that election.

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