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Predictive Programming: Obama Helps Produce Movie “Leaving The World Behind,” Showing US Crippled By Massive Cyber Attack

by Jacob M. Thompson


A new movie has generated a lot of buzz online and has people asking a lot of questions. “Leave the World Behind” is an apocalyptic thriller, based on the fiction novel released in 2020. The tagline for the film is “There’s no going back to normal.”

The movie was released in theaters on November 22nd and began streaming on Netflix on December 8th. The setting of the film features the United States being struck by crippling cyber-attacks that causes everything to go haywire, causing tremendous stress and tribulation on the film’s main cast.

Former President Barack Obama, and his wife Michele, were co-producers of this movie, and provided their oversight in the direction of the film to be as realistic as they could but still dramatized. In 2018 the Obamas founded a production company called Higher Ground Productions.

Due to their involvement in the film, Screen Rant says the move ‘has been shrouded in various conspiracy theories since its release, more so because of the Obamas’ role in the movie.’

In a statement to Colliderauthor of the novel and director of the film, Sam Esmail, claimed that the bulk of the script and major plot points have already been written before signing onto the film, so some of the alleged conspiracy theories floating around are false, he says.

I think the silly thing about the whole thing is President Obama really came on a couple of months before we started shooting, so the script had basically been written and done. He obviously gave notes on the script, but the bones of the story and the sequences were already written. I would just say they’re pretty wrong in terms of his signaling. It had nothing to do with that.

Because President Obama is such a movie lover, he really focused his notes on trying to cinematically portray what was in the book in a really interesting way. The book was on his reading list, it’s one of his favorites, and he really wanted to do justice by the book and this theme about mistrust and this being a cautionary tale about what could happen if we don’t have that community or bond that holds us together. So he really gave notes with regards to character, empathy, and also the disaster elements. It was really across the board. And again, it was all in pursuit of making it into a good movie. That was his main focus.

Esmail said

Collider also noted: ‘Following the release of Leave the World Behind, some viewers began to speculate about the movie’s true message, especially because of the Obamas’ involvement. A portion were of the opinion that the movie is a precursor of what’s to come, while others believed that the Obamas are sending out a warning regarding society’s dependence on technology and how that can be taken advantage of. While these theories have been running for weeks, Esmail’s comments about the Obamas’ involvement debunks those theories and prove they are nothing but a farce.’

Howbeit many still believe the events depicted in the film could seriously happen, and such discussion has made its way into the mainstream. Bloomberg ran a headline today that said, “Leave the World Behind: Could Netflix Movie’s Cyberattack Actually Happen?” However, the title of the article was change shortly thereafter which now says, “Why Hack In “Leave the World” Behind Is Chilling But Unlikely.”

The article did cite some examples of cyberattacks in recent years around the world that have gone after critical infrastructure, but Bloomberg still said “cybersecurity experts told [the author] that it was unlikely hackers could create such large-scale chaos.” Additionally, “In the meantime, experts told [the author], rest easy about a cyber apocalypse. For now, such an incident is more likely to stay in the movies.”

While it’s possible to both hack systems on boats and planes as well as send fake navigation signals, most of the planes and boats still have an ability for the crew to take over if something seems amiss.

Jasson Casey, chief executive officer of the authentication company Beyond Identity…

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