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President or King?

By Paul Engel

  • Do you know the difference between a president and a king?
  • In Federalist Paper #69, Alexander Hamilton discussed the difference between the two, and why the convention chose a President.
  • How would you describe the men who have recently occupied the Oval Office? Do they look more like presidents or kings?

When the Framers were drafting the Constitution, they had several examples both for how to create laws and how to execute them. Would the President be an executive or a king? Read Article II and you’ll see we have an executive not a king. Is that how modern Presidents act though? Alexander Hamilton discussed this in Federalist Papers #69. Let’s look at The Real Character of the Executive, then decide for ourselves whether the current and recent occupants of the office were and still are worthy of it.

When Benjamin Franklin said they had given us a republic, if we could keep it, that statement was not rhetorical. Part of what makes us a constitutional republic is the separation of powers. We vested the law-making power in a Congress. We vested the judicial powers, and the deciding of controversies involving those laws, in the federal courts, but neither of those branches of government were empowered with the execution of those laws.




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