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President Trump: “No one will be touching the Cross of Christ under the Trump Administration!”

By Noah


Absolutely incredible!

We have NEVER heard a U.S. President speak of Jesus Christ like this ever before….

And President Trump does it openly and often and very reverently.

Maybe that explains why they hate him so much?

Here’s the latest…

Watch this fantastic moment:

Backup here:

It’s far from the first time he’s done something like this…

Remember this one?

One of my all-time favorites:

President Trump Gives All HONOR To Jesus Christ!

Remember this great moment?

Yes, this is a flashback, but I thought we all needed something positive to see and this always does it for me.

After 9 months of the Godless Obama 2.0 (the Biden Regime), how refreshing is it to hear this?

President Trump giving all honor and credit to “the Boss….. Jesus Christ!”

Joe Biden has “10% for the Big Guy”.

President Trump says, “we still need help from The Boss!”


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