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Pride Goeth Before a Fall – Episcopalian Church LIGHTS UP for Pride Month and Just … NO

By Laura W. 


Is it really any wonder that the Episcopalian Church has been suffering declines in members and attendance? They’ve experienced so much decline that it actually has dropped below PRE-COVID records. And this crap right here is a perfect example of why.

We won’t get into all the recent scandals here, but this writer will say that there is a cost to inclusivity. Particularly if it goes against God’s word. Take it from the Big Man Himself, this writer will try to avoid getting too preachy.

He’s pretty clear on this. Just sayin’.

X users are also having NONE OF IT.

Look, we Christians love everyone because that’s what Jesus did and we are instructed to love others like He loves us, but loving the sinner is very, VERY different than loving and celebrating the sin itself. This isn’t controversial…


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