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“Pride” Thugs Hide Behind Masks…Violently Attack, Harass Innocent Bystanders [VIDEO]

By Jesse Martin


“Pride” thugs continue the left’s tradition of violence and harassment of innocent bystanders

The left has long ago adopted intimidation, fear, harassment, and violence as their guiding principles of so called “social justice.” Whether it is attacking pro-life pregnancy centers with graffiti and vandalism, intimidating and doxxing Supreme Court Justices, or flat out burning down cities and attacking civilians with lethal weapons. From the LA Riots to Berkeley, from Floyd to Roe v Wade, from BLM to “Pride,” the left has always found a way to incorporate these tactics of fear and violence.

Now, caught on camera we can see a group of masked thugs wearing “Pride” attire harassing and assaulting innocent bystanders as they try to exit a storefront.



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