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Prince Charles Flew 16,000 Miles in Just 11 Days Using Three Private Jets and One Helicopter Before Greta Thunberg Photo Op in Davos

Prince Charles is facing embarrassment after taking a series of private jet flights while lecturing world leaders about climate change, and a photo-op with climate alarmist Greta Thunberg, according to The Daily Mail.

On a trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, the Prince met activist Greta Thunberg and used an electric Jaguar car to travel to the Swiss resort, and after he gave an impassioned speech on climate change urging world leaders to take ‘bold and imaginative action’ on the environment, he hopped on a fourth private jet from Switzerland to Israel on Wednesday.

According to the British Daily Mail, in the 11 days before the Prince’s high-profile appearance, Charles took three flights on private jets for official Government business and one on a helicopter.

Taking into account an additional five so-called ‘empty-leg’ flights required to collect the Prince, his jet and helicopter travel totaled more than 16,000 miles in less than a fortnight at an estimated cost to the taxpayer of £280,000 ($330,000).

Last night, a Clarence House spokesman said: “Global travel is an inescapable part of the Prince’s role as a senior member of the Royal Family representing the UK overseas.

“When he travels he does so at the request of the British Government. He does not choose the destinations any more than he chooses the means by which the journeys are undertaken.”

Before the Prince’s trip to Davos, an empty Bombardier Global Express was dispatched from Vienna to Scotland to pick up the prince, working by his and many climate activists carbon emissions theory, the plane would have dumped 10,000 tons of carbon into the atmosphere, on an estimated 1,000-mile flight, the Daily Mail reported. He then took a plane to Muscat, the capital of Oman, to “pay his respect to the new sultan of Oman.” A journey of approximately 3,800 miles dumping allegedly 34 tons of carbon.  That plane then flew back empty to Vienna, dumping another 26 tons of carbon on its 2,800- mile flight.


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