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Prince Harry claims ‘a lot of job resignations aren’t bad,’ urges people to quit jobs for their mental health


Prince Harry is all in favor of quitting your job to preserve your mental health.

In an exclusive interview with Fast Company on Monday, the duke of Sussex explained his role with the company BetterUp, and why he believes quitting your job can be great for your mind.

BetterUp is a mental health coaching company that “brings together world-class coaching, AI technology, and behavioral science experts to deliver change at scale.” The company was founded in 2013, and is currently valued at $4.7 billion, according to Fast Company.

Prince Harry is the chief impact officer for BetterUp, working with product strategy, philanthropy, and public advocacy related to mental health. He is also in charge of advising the company on how to use funds raised as a result of its commitment to Pledge 1%, according to FastCompany….

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One Comment

  1. Lenore Lenore December 7, 2021

    Seriously? I should take advice from a clown that’s never held a job..r i g h t.

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