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Progressive Democrat Pundit Cathy Areu Arrested For Kidnapping And Theft Of Elderly Mom, Previously Accused Tucker Of Sexual Harassment

By 100percentfedup

A democrat pundit, using the name Liberal Sherpa, Cathy Areu, has been arrested after being accused of exploiting her mom. Areu is a previous contributing editor for the Washington Post and a guest on Fox News.

Areu is accused of stealing over $200k from her mom, taking her mom’s home, and physically dragging her to a nursing home twice using a revoked power of attorney.

According to the Daily Mail the first time the mother was placed in a home, she tried calling a friend for help, but allegedly her daughter told the staff not to allow her phone usage or visitors. Areu’s eighty-eight-year-old mom thought she was being taken for ice cream with her grandchildren rather than going to a nursing home. When doctors and officials found the woman able to make her own decisions, they released her to go home. But prosecutors say Areu and a second person physically dragged her from her house, taking her to another facility. Again the woman was released to go home after being found competent to decide. Paperwork was also filed turning over the mother’s house to Areu, but her mother said it was not her signature…

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