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Putin Frees 35,000 Imprisoned Children in Ukraine

By Daily News Break

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday told Donald J. Trump that his “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine had liberated 35,000 children from indentured servitude at what he called “Eastern Europe’s nexus for worldwide sale of especially young children,” said a Mar-a-Lago source privy to conversations between the world’s two most powerful leaders.

If Putin’s words have been sincere, his original reason for entering Ukraine was to obliterate bioweapon laboratories funded by the U.S., Western Europe, and Israel. But when Russian Special Forces, or Spetznas, accidentally stumbled upon a pedophile encampment in central Ukraine and learned hundreds of such facilities dotted the Ukrainian landscape, Putin championed a new cause: Crushing every “filth and scum” pedophile and razing every infernal child trafficking ring infesting the “Godless country.”

On Saturday, Putin revealed to Trump that approximately 35,000 children, most of whom are Russian, were freed from sexual enslavement after his forces identified and discretely targeted 150 trafficking covens…

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