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Race War about to break out in South Africa

Full blown race war about to break out in #SouthAfrica – this after white farmers rallied outside of Senekal court after 21yo #BrendinHorner was murdered and strung up on a pole. EFF leader just called for war. 60million against 3.5mil.



  1. The Gray Ghost The Gray Ghost October 8, 2020

    Well … let’s not dare utter so much as a peep HERE about us fortifying the south … about us creating an all white Confederacy 2.0 before it’s too late. Nooo. Let’s sit around and “talk” about news and information … let’s “narrate” each inch The Titanic sinks but not DO a thing to save ourselves. Let’s keep this up juuuust a little longer … and WE’LL be South Africa. Shouldn’t be too long now. WAY before 2030. Probably before 2025.

    Have we been “demasculated?” Is it true that all it took was brainwashing a couple generations mostly through media? Is what happened to Bond a general example of what happened to America? What are the “newsmen” going to DO about our continuing demise? Oh I know … they’re going to censor commenters who expose the fact that nothing’s being DONE.

  2. Stonewall Jackson Stonewall Jackson October 8, 2020

    Thaaaat’s right. Keep censoring. The ONLY guy out there with a solution. Censor him 🙂 Meanwhile …


    Don’t talk about an all white 2nd Confederacy and censor anyone who does. THEN … put up articles like this. Do you even understand HOW comical that is?

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