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Racist Black Woman Begs White People To Stop Trying To Interact With Black People: “White men are annoying but they mostly stay to themselves—-but white women go out of their way to be in our space” [VIDEO]

By Amber Crawford

One angry woman on TikTok, Bianca N., or @bla3kmagi3, has turned to the social media platform to air her countless grievances against white people. In one particular series of videos, she rants about white people taking up too much space, and elaborates on her personal belief that “white women are sinister.”

In the first video of this series, Bianca asks her white viewers, “Are y’all aware that y’all take up space with disregard for the people of color around you?”

She then generously provides examples to clear up any confusion or uncertainty one might have. “Sometimes the sidewalk is narrow to the point where there’s only enough room for two modes of traffic: one going and one coming,” says Bianca. “But that has never stopped white people from walking side-by-side and holding hands… People of color are taught to be aware of how much space they’re taking up at all times, so watching you guys take up space without even thinking about it is mind-blowing to a lot of us.”…

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One Comment

  1. KC KC March 31, 2022

    Here’s an idea for you to consider.
    Why don’t you “Self-Segregate” yourselves all the way back to Africa while your at it and see how long you last.
    I’m pretty confident you’ll be begging to come back by the following morning if you last that long…

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