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Radical Judge Engoron Punishes Trump More, Orders Court to Oversee Organization’s Finances for 3 Years

By Bob Hoge


Not content with slapping former President Donald Trump with almost half a billion dollars in fines for a “crime” in which there were no victims, New York Judge Arthur Engoron ruled Thursday that the court will effectively take over the Trump Organization.

At least, that’s how it reads, seeing as Trump will have to disclose his every financial move to his government overlords. Engoron wrote:

Based on the Court’s findings in its February 16th Order, the Court ordered the continued monitoring of Defendants’ financial and accounting practices and disclosures, including and enhanced role for the Monitor, for a period of no less than three years, as well as the appointment of an Independent Director of Compliance.

Who will be monitoring the operations of the multi-national real estate conglomerate? An experienced businessperson? A financial expert? No, it will (continue to) be another judge:

Retired federal Judge Barbara Jones, who has monitored the Trump Organization’s finances as part of a preliminary injunction in 2022, will continue in her role for the next three years.

The monitor will allow reviews of the organization’s internal accounting records, recordkeeping, financial reporting policies and more.

The Trump Organization will be required to provide the monitor with monthly bank statements, notify the monitor at least five business days before major cash or asset transfers, and inform the monitor about debt restructuring or payment.

That already sounds like enough, but there’s even more. The court has to be notified of just about every piece of paper shuffled during the workday:

“Defendants shall not evade the terms of this Monitorship Order by transferring assets, reincorporating existing business entities in other forms or jurisdictions, modifying entity ownership, or any other form of restructuring or change in corporate form,” the order from Engoron states.

Jones will also be able to advise the court on orders to change operations within the Trump Organization…


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One Comment

  1. Swordslinger Swordslinger March 22, 2024

    How long are we gonna tolerate this?
    Send in the military NOW to remove him and lock him up and vacate the judgement and the very case against Trump!

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