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RADIOACTIVE PANIC: Russians Missiles Hit Ukrainian Ammunition Depot in Khmelnytsky Causing Massive Explosion – Cache of British Depleted Uranium Tank Shells Destroyed – Gamma Radiation Spikes in the Region’s Atmosphere


The West’s proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine has led to progressively more deadly weapons systems and ammunition to be delivered to Zelensky’s Nazi regime.

Possibly, the most controversial of these deliveries are the deadly radioactive shells for Challenger 2 tanks that the British government has given Ukraine.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr commented on Instagram:

“In another reckless escalation, Britain has confirmed delivery of depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine. DU munitions should be banned. They partially vaporize on impact, poisoning the environment with uranium dust that causes cancer and horrific birth defects.”


On Saturday, during a massive air and missile raid on Ukraine, Russian forces hit a ammunition depot in Khmelnytsky, in the western part of the country, causing  gigantic explosions in the site.

Intel Slava reported:

“It is worth noting that panic reports are spreading in Ukrainian social networks that during the detonation of an ammunition depot in Khmelnytsky, a large batch of British tank ammunition with depleted uranium, which was recently brought to Ukraine along with Storm Shadow missiles, was also destroyed. As a result of a huge explosion, particles of depleted uranium could be dispersed on the territory of the Khmelnytsky region, which, taking into account the experience of Yugoslavia and Iraq, could lead to an outbreak of cancer in the medium term.”


It didn’t take long for the results of the impact to be measurable scientifically.

Slavyangrad on Telegram:

“A clear spike in gamma radiation was detected in Khmelnitsky on or about May 12th, with emission continuing to rise the following day and remaining at the elevated level thereafter.

Considering how little gamma radiation comes from depleted uranium, this clear spike in gamma radiation in Khmelnitsky indicates that there was very large stockpile of the DU munitions that was destroyed, raising the uranium dust into the air…

READ FULL ARTICLE HERE…| The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

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