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Read ‘America Last’ Dan Crenshaw’s Attack On Marjorie Taylor Greene For Opposing $40 Billion In Aid To Ukraine While American Babies Starve

By Adam Wilson

Texas RINO Dan Crenshaw has anointed himself the leader of the America Last movement.  While America First Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) are focused on issues that affect working families, Crenshaw and most of his colleagues are pushing a $40 billion aid package to Ukraine through Congress.  Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) made the modest and reasonable request that Congress appoint someone to track how the $40 billion is spent and is being steamrolled by Democrats and Republicans alike.

Yesterday, Crenshaw viciously attacked Marjorie Taylor Greene on Twitter after she asked him about his views on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Crenshaw was arguing with another Twitter user about the $40 billion aid package to Ukraine.  He said that the package was an “investment in the destruction of our adversary’s military,” a de-facto declaration of war against nuclear-armed Russia.

Greene replied to him by asking how spending $40 billion in a proxy war against Russia would help Americans…

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One Comment

  1. D barnes D barnes May 18, 2022

    I’m so tired of America being last, while we protect Ukrainian borders ours are filled with illegals!! I understand the want to come to the USA, but there is obviously something messed up when dhs sends all our baby formula to the border for non citizens, and punishes our kids, while defending the Ukrainian border! It’s all a black hole for money and weapons!

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