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Reality razes Joe Biden’s attempt to build up his economic construction project

by Sarah D

“Make America Great Again” was such a terrible campaign slogan, wasn’t it? So was “Keep America Great.” Donald Trump just didn’t have what it takes to inspire the masses.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, has a real way with words. That’s how we ended up with “Build Back Better,” which was not only alliterative, but downright inspiring. And the best part is that when Joe Biden said he was going to Build Back Better, he really meant it. Like, obviously he meant it. That’s why our economy is really hoppin’!

Our economy is not really hoppin’, of course. It’s not even limping. It’s circling the drain and getting closer and closer to getting sucked into that little water vortex. And that’s on Mr. Build Back Better. Of course, he’d never admit that. The adult who’s back in charge is still insisting that he’s singlehandedly saving the economy despite all the evidence to the contrary…

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