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Reelection Time: Unlike Last Year, Michigan Leaders Issue Suggestions for COVID, Not Mandates

By T.LaDuke

I do so love my home state of Michigan for a number of reasons. We truly have the best of all four seasons, some of the best food and drink in the whole world, and we elect some real noobs as politicians. I know every part of the country does the last part but damn, do we put some real dopes into office here.

The latest example of this less-than-qualified bunch in leadership is that our non-noble leaders in Lansing just issued a “suggestion” of wearing masks, as opposed to their actions last year of mandating it under the penalty of law. While this is a great step forward during this latest COVID surge, you have to ask yourself: What is the reason for the change? And the answer is

We are just 351 days until the election in 2022.

As I wrote about here the other day, Governor Gretchen “Lockdown” Whitmer last year could not issue ENOUGH executive orders to save lives Michigan Leads Nation in COVID Cases and Governor Lockdown Is All of a Sudden Missing. From that article


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