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Rep. Barbara Lee: Not Appointing Me Senator is Insulting to Black Women



Nero did it, why can’t Gavin?

Politics gets worse, not better.

The race to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein before she Bidens it has come down to Rep. Adam Schiff, a smug witchhunter, Rep. Katie Porter, an even smugger and more obnoxious socialist witch, and Rep. Barbara Lee, an ancient and venerable Communist black nationalist.

“Lee worked on the Oakland mayoral campaign of Panther co-founder Bobby Seale and served as a confidential aide to the organization’s “minister of defense,” Huey Newton. (Panther members at the time referred to Lee as “Comrade Barbara.”) After Newton fled to Cuba in the mid-1970s to evade murder, assault, and tax-evasion charges, Lee she twice visited him there. Decades later, in her 2009 book Renegade for Peace & Justice, Lee fondly recalled her affiliation with the Panthers. “Despite his roughness, my mother really liked him,” Lee wrote of Newton. And regarding Seale, she wrote: “When I first met him, he impressed me as being very nice—a leader always willing to give positive feedback to me and the other ‘comrades’ in the party. I was known as ‘Comrade Barbara’ at the time. “

Now, Comrade Barbara would like to be Senator Barbara.

In her long history of squatting in Congress, Rep. Lee has been resentfully watching other younger California racists, like Rep. Karen Bass and Rep. Maxine Waters, pass her by. Now the spry 77-year-old comrade is taking her last chance at ending up in the place where elderly congressional delegation members go to sleep all day and collect foreign bribes
 the United States Senate…


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