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Rep. Biggs: Democrats’ ‘Misleading’ Jan. 6 Narrative ‘More Detrimental to Our Republic than the Day Itself’


On the first anniversary of the January 6 Capitol protests, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) blasted the Democrats’ “one-sided and misleading narrative” of the event, deeming it “more detrimental to our republic than the day itself.”

In a statement released on Thursday, Arizona Republican Congressman Andy Biggs condemned political violence while blasting the false narrative put forward by Democrats concerning what took place.

“I condemn political violence, as I always have, including violence that took place on January 6, 2021,” he began. “Any act or speech that impedes constructive debate on the important issues facing our nation is a waste.”

“But the Democrats’ and the media’s one-sided and misleading narrative about the events, causes, and implications of that day are more detrimental to our republic than the day itself,” he added…


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