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Rep. Hice to Newsmax TV: Georgia Secretary of State Should Be Recalled

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger should be recalled from office, according to Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., on Newsmax TV.

“I know there are conversations already underway regarding a recall, and those conversations are totally appropriate,” Hice told host Grant Stinchfield on Friday’s ”Stinchfield.”

“We have one of the most important elections coming up in January in the history of our country and to this point, Brad Raffensperger as secretary of state is doing nothing to make sure that this election is going to be more secure and more protected than the one in November. That is unacceptable. We can’t do that.”

Hice admitted he didn’t know if a recall election could take place before the two U.S. Senate runoffs on Jan. 5, but added that the secretary of state, a fellow Republican, needs to take steps to make sure that the election goes accurately and securely.

“The people of Georgia are mad, they’re angry, they deserve better than what Brad Raffensperger has brought to the table,” Hice said. “He is there to secure our elections and he has done everything but.

“In fact, he’s going around trying to convince everyone this has been the safest, most secure election in history. Totally ignoring reality. It’s like, what planet is this guy living on?”

Georgia’s recall process requires a petition signed by at least 15 percent of the number of people who voted in the last election for the post held by that official. In Georgia, that means near 600,000 signatures.

“At some point, whether it’s a recall or whatever the steps may be, the people of Georgia, I believe, are desperate for new leadership in the office of secretary of state,” Hice said.

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