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Rep. Senator Introduces Bill To Stop Biden Admin From Giving Away Veteran Medical Resources To Illegal Aliens

 M Winger


Now here’s a senator that’s shining a light on another terrible move by the Biden administration.

And that move is making sure the medical care that should go to our veterans goes to illegal invaders instead.

Because of course that’s what this administration would do.

America last.

That’s their motto.

Every day they make that more and more clear.

Well, Sen. Tommy Tuberville was tired of it and introduced a bill that would put an end to it!

Fox News reports:

Biden is facing increased scrutiny over his administration providing health care administrative services to illegal migrants amid a worsening border crisis, potentially exacerbating long wait times for American veterans utilizing Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) facilities.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., touted his recently introduced No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act, which he introduced alongside Rep. Mike Bost, R-Ill., that would ban such action, one of the many problems he says are facing the country as a result of the border “disaster” taking place under Biden’s watch.

“[Biden’s] decided, OK, we’ve got to feed all these 10 million people we’ve let come across the border, we’ve got to house them, and we’ve got to give them health care,” Tuberville said. “They’ve opened up care from the doctors in these [VA] community care systems. The lines now in the VA’s are getting longer. Our funds that are supposed to go to the veterans are going to these illegal immigrants that are coming across.”

Tuberville lamented that the VA was already not able to provide care for all 19 million veterans living across the country and that the community systems he mentioned had helped reduce wait times until the border crisis began to get worse…


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