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Report: Biden Has Made 148 Gaffes In Public Remarks In 2024

OANā€™sĀ James Meyers

A new report has revealed that President Joe Biden has committed 148 mistakes and verbal stumbles so far this year, which White House staff have scrambled to fix in official transcripts.

According to a report from theĀ Daily Caller, the 81-year-old president has baffled his words in more than 118 statements, speeches or comments between January 1stĀ and April 24th.

The large changes have been made either to keep Bidenā€™s words in line with Democratsā€™ policy stances or change the meaning entirely.

The report comes after last week, Biden read from his teleprompter out loud during a speech at the North Americaā€™s Building Trades Unions National Legislative Conference, messing up a scripted call for his re-election.

ā€œFolks, imagine what we can do next,ā€ he told the audience. ā€œFour more years. Pause.ā€

The original White House transcript initially omitted the ā€œpauseā€ and put ā€œinaudibleā€ in its place before correcting it again.

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