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REPORT: Biden Planning One of Largest Mass Amnesty Programs in History

By Bob Hoge 


According to CBS News (and PBS), hundreds of thousands of immigrants living illegally in this country may soon get legal status, provided that they have been here for at least a decade.

Of course, the mainstream media is calling the Biden plan “one of the largest immigration relief programs in recent history,” but it’s otherwise known as “amnesty.”

The Biden administration is making plans to announce one of the largest immigration relief programs in recent history, developing a policy that would offer legal status to hundreds of thousands of immigrants living in the country without proper documents, four people familiar with the plans told CBS News.

A program being developed by White House officials would offer work permits and deportation protections to unauthorized immigrants married to U.S. citizens, as long as they have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years, the sources said, requesting anonymity to talk about internal government plans.

Word has already spread internationally, as Venezuelan outlet “El Pitazo” quickly picked up on it:

Google Translate indicates that the tweet reads thusly:

#ParoleInPlace | President Joe Biden is preparing to announce new immigration benefits aimed at people who remain in the country irregularly, but who have ties in the United States.

It would not be the first time the administration has told people, “Hey, don’t worry about that legal status thing”:

The program, to be known as “Parole in Place,” will be sold as a way to help the spouses of immigrants and would of course be done by executive order because that is the way the president is able to force his policies on the country—regardless of whether there’s been a congressional vote…


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