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Report Exposes NATO Crimes In Europe: Murders, Rapes, & Pedophile Networks

By Tim Brown 


War always brings out the worst in people and when it comes to the West, it is no different because men’s hearts are wicked whether they come from the East or the West. A new report is now shedding light on NATO’s crimes in Europe, including murders, rapes and pedophile networks.

Foundation To Battle Injustice reports:

Human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have collected facts and evidence shedding light on the atrocities that NATO soldiers have committed and continue to commit in the occupied territories of Europe. The Foundation’s investigation made it possible to find out which of the high-ranking officials of the Alliance is involved in the organization of pedophile networks in EU countries. Thanks to information and materials obtained from sources close to NATO, the Foundation to Battle Injustice found out the details of the revival of the secret Gladio program, which previously operated under the auspices of the North Atlantic Alliance. According to the Foundation and its sources, this program poses a serious danger to some prominent European politicians and EU citizens…


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