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REPORT: Montana Family Accuses Govt Of ‘Kidnapping’ Teen Daughter After They Refused To Affirm Her Gender Transition


Montana couple Krista and Todd Kolstad are embroiled in a legal battle with state authorities over the custody of their teenage daughter, Jennifer, Reduxx reported Monday.

Jennifer’s self-identification as a transgender male has ignited a firestorm of controversy and alleged overreach by Child and Family Services (CFS), according to Reduxx. The ordeal, which unfolded Aug. 2023, has seen the Kolstad family accuse CFS of effectively “kidnapping” Jennifer, following a series of events triggered by her expression of suicidal thoughts at school.

The Kolstads shared the sequence of events that led to their current predicament. It began with a call from the school alerting them of Jennifer’s state, which led to an immediate intervention by CFS, Reduxx reported. Despite the family’s efforts to provide a nurturing and stable environment for Jennifer, including relocating her to a different school district to escape bullying, their world was turned upside down when a CFS caseworker arrived unannounced at their home.

The situation escalated following Jennifer’s claim of ingesting harmful substances, a claim that was later refuted by medical tests at the local hospital. However, it was Jennifer’s desire to be recognized as “Leo,” reflecting her gender identity, that further escalated things, the outlet noted…


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