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Republican Senators Urge McConnell to Ensure Mayorkas Impeachment Trial


Thirteen Republican senators are urging GOP leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to force a formal impeachment trial of President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas.

Mayorkas was impeached on February 13 for refusing to enforce the nation’s border laws. But Democrats — and some pro-establishment GOP senators — are hinting they will ignore the House’s impeachment and will not conduct Mayorkas’ trial in the Senate.

The senators’ letter to McConnell said:

We call on you to join our efforts to jettison this approach by Democrats to shirk their constant duty, ensure that the Senate conducts a proper trial and that every Senator, Republican and Democrat, adjudicates this matter when the Senate returns.

A Senate decision to ignore the House’s impeachment “is an action rarely contemplated and never taken by the U.S. Senate in the history of our Republic,” the GOP letter said, adding:

It remains to be seen if the Senate rules will even allow us to brush aside our duty in this manner, but one thing is sure, if a similar strategy was contemplated by Senate Republicans while we were in the majority with a Republican occupying the White House, the opposition would be fierce and the volume from Democrats would be deafening.

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