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Republicans are fighting Critical Race Theory in all the wrong ways

By  Let’s Talk Right Now

Critical Race Theory is a serious issue that the Conservative Movement needs to confront head on. However, just attacking the concept itself without providing any solutions will never accomplish anything and will only bring more division… which is probably what a lot of the proponents of CRT actually want.

The new thing for Republicans to fight against is Critical Race Theory. As always, the GOP always needs to a bogeyman to fight against, and this issue is no different. However, this can be a confusing statement, as CRT is definitely an issue that we cannot tolerate.

Critical Race Theory is, in and of itself, racist. Many have a difficult time explaining what it is. Dr Karlyn Borysenko posted a brief description on Twitter that I’d like to post here to help give you a frame of reference regarding this important issue:

Critical Race Theory is an ideology started in academia in the 70s that says racism exists everywhere – in every person and system – and the job of the critical theorist is to assess HOW (not if) racism occurred in any circumstance.

Racism is always ASSUMED to have occurred.

Another way to think of critical race theory is this: It’s the opposite of what Martin Luther King preached. It’s the idea that we should judge people on the basis of their race, that someone’s race is the only thing that matters about them, not the content of their character.

So why is all of this problematic, as the kids say.

When you start with a conclusion – that racism has occurred – and work your way back from that conclusion, that’s confirmation bias.

You’ll only look at information that supports your conclusion.

If you are LOOKING for racism in everything, you will inevitably FIND racism in everything.

You will misconstrue the most innocent thing as being a symbol of racism.

You will also ignore data that contradicts your point, so you’re not showing the full spectrum of information.

All that leads to the conclusion being confirmed.

And anyone who disagrees with you or points out all the information you ignored is fragile.

When you start with the conclusion, you leave no room for a real THEORY to develop.

I can’t think of a better explanation of Critical Race Theory and why we should strongly oppose it. However, I want to bring this full circle.

Remember how I said earlier that Republicans are using CRT as a bogeyman to fight against? Yeah, the GOP is notorious for being an opposition party. They always need something to fight against. Even when they have control of both chambers of Congress and the White House, they’ll rarely get anything done because they need something to fight against in order to raise money and get re-elected. If they solve all of our problems, how will they stay in power? In their mind they a bogeyman to fight against.

Now, as Conservatives, we need to fight against CRT and expose it for what it is: racist. But we cannot stop with just exposing it or banning it from our schools. We have to provide a positive solution. That takes some intellectual honesty.

We have to point out that the system today IS racist. It IS rigged against minorities. However, it’s not because of Conservative values or because the ideals that make up the American principles are racist. No, it’s because the power-hungry Democrats and RINOs have setup the system to keep minorities down so that they might control and manipulate them to stay in power. As always, they are doing nothing more than creating chaos to provide a “solution.” The only winners are the elites in power.

The winning strategy is to show how our Conservative values are more than just “opposing Critical Race Theory.” We have to point out not only how the system is racist, but why
 and then provide the solution. As always, the solution is always less government and more freedom, liberty and opportunity for all.

I explain more in detail during this episode of Let’s Talk Right Now, so definitely take a listen. However, at the same time, make sure that you understand Critical Race Theory and how to provide the proper solution to the problem. I guarantee you, it’s not the solution being promoted by Black Lives Matter and the Democrats.


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