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Requiring Solidarity to Beat the COVID Pandemic Gave Conservatives ‘Fundamental Brainstem Rage’

By Brett T. 


It was just a couple of days ago when did a post on one of former Vox writer David Roberts’ hot takes: he was upset that the mainstream media fell for the bait and covered the Harvard plagiarism scandal that was “ginned up out of nothing” by conservatives like Christopher Rufo.

We have to come back to Roberts because he’s been thinking about conservatives’ reactions to the loss of freedoms attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sure, some blame Fauci, others whine about school closings, but that’s not really it. The reason conservatives experienced “fundamental brain rage” is that there was an “undeniable moral imperative for solidarity.”

There was solidarity. Conservatives got in line with everyone else and got the vaccine, which has proved to neither prevent you from contracting COVID nor spreading it to others. But Roberts argues that “solidarity” enrages the Right:

Narrator: No, they didn’t.

Hillary Clinton already got our minds straight with her book, “It Takes a Village.”

That was the breaking point for a lot of people. You couldn’t go to school or church, but you could march in massive groups in the street because “racism is a public health issue” too. Seriously, that was what they said…



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