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Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

The rings are believed to be still operating

A scholar on Soviet Russia has uncovered claims that former General Secretary Yuri Andropov wanted to subvert the West by creating child trafficking and pedophile networks to blackmail business leaders and politicians.

Details on the program were uncovered by Jeffrey Nyquist in his research on communist regimes and their influence on the West. His main source is the grandson of a former member of the Soviet Central Committee who opposed the program and was possibly killed because of his opposition. Two other sources of his were defectors from the Soviet Union who revealed information on Soviet experiments on pedophilia and sexual perversion.

All three requested to have their identities withheld, as they believe that this abuse continues, and speaking on record would endanger their lives.

The Soviet leaders had begun planning the program in the late 1970s, when Andropov was chairman of the KGB—the Soviet intelligence agency that was set to run the operations. Nyquist noted, however, that the program was controversial even by the standards of the Soviet leaders.

His contact, who is currently living in the West, said his grandfather was part of a faction within the Central Committee that opposed the program; yet the dissenters, including his grandfather, were believed to have been killed for their opposition, and the program was able to move forward.



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