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Response: Geoffrey Grider Of Now The End Begins Threatens Litigation Against The WinePress, Shows No Remorse And Is Caught Lying Again

by Jacob M. Thompson


“It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.”  -William Shakespeare.

Indeed, for it would have been better for him to just pretend that he did not see my article, but instead, Geoffrey Grider made it very clear in no uncertain terms that he is guilty as could be and has zero remorse and repentance over what he has done.

If you are just tuning in, last week I published a detailed report listing Mr. Grider’s many years of habitual lewdness and fornication, and greedy practices in the ministry. The report was heavily documented and well cited and was by no means a “salacious” lie, as Grider asserts that it is.

Several days ago, he responded to my detailed article, to which Grider dug a hole and jumped in it, providing some of the worst answers he could he given that only prove what I reported is true and honest. Unlike Grider, I will actually link his silly response for you to read it, whereas he did not wish to provide the hyperlink to my article…


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