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Revealed: Elon Musk, Tesla Go Full Shill for Communists on Chinese Social Media Site Weibo


Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk and his electric car company Tesla have shared full-blown praise of the Chinese Communist Party on China’s equivalent to Twitter, Breitbart News can reveal.

The verified accounts for Elon Musk and top Chinese Tesla representatives on the Chinese micro-blogging site Weibo have all been adorned with personalised backgrounds celebrating the one hundred year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP):

Screenshot of Elon Musk's verified account on the Chinese micro-blogging site Weibo. July 3rd, Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart News
Screenshot of Elon Musk’s verified account on the Chinese micro-blogging site Weibo. July 3rd, Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart News

The background celebrating the centenary of the CCP does not appear to have been a mandatory feature by the Chinese site, as other users, including one of Tesla’s main accounts, do not feature the communist banner art.

Therefore it is likely that someone who manages Elon Musk and other Tesla social media accounts in China made the decision to honour the murderous regime.

The social media campaign in China comes as the billionaire tech magnate drew criticism this week for celebrating the CCP on Western social media.

On the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party, Musk posted a response to the CCP’s newswire agency Xinhua on Twitter — a service which is banned in China — saying: “The economic prosperity that China has achieved is truly amazing, especially in infrastructure! I encourage people to visit and see for themselves.”

The Xinhua post Musk responded to was quoting Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, who claimed: “China has realised the first centenary goal — building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This means that we have brought about a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poverty in China, and we are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects.”

The false claim that China has eliminated poverty comes from the regime artificially lowering the standard of extreme poverty from the World Bank’s threshold of $1.90 per day to the new communist standard of $1.52 per day.

The Tesla founder’s verified account on Weibo posted the same message for Chinese users to read.

One of the chief propaganda outlets for the Chinese Communist Party, The Global Times, hailed the pronouncement from Musk and others as confirmation of the party’s supposed success, writing: “Overseas companies congratulated China on its remarkable achievements made under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.”

The CCP mouthpiece went on to quote a post from Volkswagen on its Weibo account which said “look on the past hard times, and look to this age” — a quote from Chinese communist dictator Mao Zedong, who was responsible for the deaths of up to 60 million people during the disastrous ‘Great Leap Forward’ campaign, alone.

While Musk has previously expressed opposition to Marxism, he has increasingly sought to increase Tesla’s position in Communist China, establishing a factory in the economic hub of Shanghai in 2019.

Ahead of the launch of the factory, Musk, in conversation with Alibaba founder Jack Ma, openly declared that “China is the future”.

It has been far from smooth sailing for Musk’s expansion into China, however, with Chinese state regulators announcing a recall of some 300,000 Tesla cars in the country, just days before the billionaire entrepreneur lavished praise on the CCP.

Some have speculated that the Chinese are trying to edge Tesla out of the market in favour of home-grown alternatives made with allegedly stolen tech from the American electric vehicle company.

Breitbart News has reached out to Tesla and Tesla China for comment.

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