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Right on Inflation, Wrong on Tariffs – Gary Cohn Outlines Biden Inflation and State of Economy for 2024 Election

By Sundance

Gary Cohn appears on Face The Nation to discuss the finance, the economy and the pain felt by consumers.  He won’t say it directly, for obvious reasons, but what Cohn describes in terms of political support boils down to Main Street business supporting Donald Trump and Wall Street Multinational Corporations supporting Joe Biden.  That is ultimately what is obvious at a macro level.

I’m starting the video at 03:08 for the purposes of emphasizing inflation.  What Cohn says about U.S. inflation is essentially accurate and I have a Cliff Notes, tldr, HERE.  However, what Cohn says about tariffs creating inflation is not accurate, as outlined by the 2017 through 2020 results of Trump tariff policy.  Cohn says, “No one absorbs tariffs, except the consumer,” this is false.  As we saw in 2017, 2018, and 2019 China, Asia and the EU essentially dropped their export prices to retain access to the USA market and offset tariff costs.  That’s just a statistical reality.

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