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RINO ALERT: Michigan U.S. Senate Candidate Mike Rogers Receives Endorsement From Mitch McConnell Strategist

By Shane Trejo  


Former Michigan U.S. Congressman Mike Rogers has received a ringing endorsement for his U.S. Senate race from Josh Holmes, a political operative and podcast host who has been one of Sen. Mitch McConnell’s top strategists for decades.

Holmes, who served as Chief of Staff to McConnell for years and managed McConnell’s 2014 re-election campaign, made the endorsement during an episode of his “Ruthless Podcast,” which Holmes has co-hosted since 2020. The “Ruthless Podcast” has been accurately described as being “tied inextricably to the establishment that former President Donald Trump railed against, and that its hosts almost literally embody.”

During an episode in which the hosts spoke about the need for more aggressive action against Iran, Rogers was interviewed, and Holmes gave gushing praise to the long-time deep state agent, hoping that Rogers could vanquish a slew of more anti-establishment competition in Michigan’s U.S. Senate primary this year.

“I think this race is
could be a very sneaky, awesome race for Republicans, but they’re not completely insulated from idiocy. Like, the way that we lose races like this is that you don’t get candidates like [Rogers] and that they have to fight these bloody primaries with f*ckin’ absolute dipsh*ts,” Holmes said.

“And I think that this is the case here. I mean, he’s definitely got a primary. There’s a couple different iterations of who he’s fighting here. But that’s the guy (Rogers) who could get it done, in my view, and if he’s there, if he’s on the ballot, it’s going to be on the tight top of the ticket. I think he could win. I really do,” he added.

That episode can be accessed here.

It is no surprise because a McConnell operative would be so enamored with Rogers considering his record of serving the U.S. intelligence community and making frequent hostile statements against Trump, as Big League Politics has reported:

“During an interview with CBS News in April 2023, Rogers was asked if he would support Trump if he became the nominee. Rogers refused to answer and stated frankly that Trump would not be the nominee in 2024.

“I don’t believe today as I’m sitting here that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee in 2024. Don’t believe it
 He may actually stay in for a while. I just don’t think I believe he will be [the nominee]. His troubles are mounting, his fundraising is waning,” Rogers said


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