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RINO MI Board of Canvassers Members Mock Citizens Over Legal Request For Recount of 2022 Election: “I personally think this is a gigantic waste of time” [VIDEO]

By Patty McMurray


In late April, Tony Daunt, who has close ties to Trump’s former Sec. of Education, and top MI GOP donor Betsy DeVos, who almost immediately after Jan. 6, 2021, blamed President Trump for what appears to have been an FBI-led, fake insurrection, resigned from the MI GOP State Committee. The so-called “Republican,” Tony Daunt, talked to the Trump-hating New York Times about his letter of resignation to a new, grassroots MI GOP that has turned its back on RINOs like him. The New York Times excitedly shared that in his letter, Mr. Daunt called President Trump “a deranged narcissist.”

“Rather than distancing themselves from this undisciplined loser,” Mr. Daunt wrote in his resignation letter, “far too many Republican ‘leaders’ have decided that encouraging his delusional lies — and, even worse — cynically appeasing him despite knowing they are lies, is the easiest path to ensuring their continued hold on power, general election consequences be damned.

“Whether it’s misguided true belief, cynical cowardice, or just plain old grift and avarice,” Mr. Daunt continued in the letter, which was addressed to a Republican colleague, “it’s a losing strategy, and I cannot serve on the governing board of a party that’s too stupid to see that.”



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