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Rishi Rolls Out Red Carpet for Biden Despite Repeated US Snubs

By Svetlana Ekimenko

US President Joe Biden’s Monday meeting in London with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak – their fifth in the past five months – was billed by the White House as an opportunity for the leaders of the transatlantic alliance to “touch base” and “compare notes” on issues such as support for Ukraine before heading over to the NATO summit in Vilnius.

US President Joe Biden has arrived in the UK for a brief stopover on the eve of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s summit in Vilnius on July 11-12. His fleeting foray to London will involve a face-to-face with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, as well as a meeting with King Charles III at Windsor Castle for the first time since the monarch’s coronation, which the POTUS had given a miss, like his predecessors.

Biden is possibly going to talk about the other post-Brexit contentious issue – the arrangements for Northern Ireland – a matter he has repeatedly indicated was close to his heart. Biden’s blunt remark when he traveled to Northern Ireland in April “to make sure the Brits didn’t screw around” had left a sour taste in London.

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