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Robot Conductor Leads Orchestra In South Korea

by Jacob M. Thompson


“It was a recital that showed that (robots and humans) can co-exist and complement each other, rather than one replacing the other,” the main conductor said.

A humanoid android led the South Korean national orchestra in late-June, marking the first time such a thing has ever happened.

“EveR 6,” the name of the bot, created by the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, was debuted at a concert National Theater of Korea. The robot led the musicians throughout the night, and bowed to the audience when finished.

Movements by a conductor are very detailed.

The robot was able to present such detailed moves much better than I had imagined.

Choi Soo-yeoul, the main conductor, said.

However the android has a “critical weakness” in that cannot hear, Soo-yeoul added…


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