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Rumors Of War: NATO Leaders Call China A ‘Decisive Enabler Of Russia,’ Says They ‘Fueling The Largest Conflict Since World War II’

“We firmly oppose the U.S. spreading disinformation about so-called China’s support for Russia’s defense industry, to which there is no supporting evidence. We deplore and reject the wrongful remarks of the U.S. side,” said a Chinese spokesperson


Last week, world leaders apart of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) held their annual summit meeting to announce a number of important agreements and updates for the alliance. One of the more noteworthy things to come out of this summit was NATO’s pivot towards and against China, blaming them for enabling Russia for its actions in Ukraine, and blaming China for “fueling the largest conflict since World War II.”

In an official joint statement by NATO, the group claimed China’s actions “challenge our interests, security and values,” and claimed they are working to “reshape the rules-based international order.”

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