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‘Run, run, run!’ WATCH thermal zone in Yellowstone erupt, terrifying tourists

By Bob Unruh


‘Some people stopped and started taking videos on their phones as the black cloud rose. Then, rocks started falling from the sky’

A thermal zone in Yellowstone National Park, which is known for its geysers, hot springs, surface instability and volatile features, has exploded on tourists, destroying one of the park’s famed boardwalks and terrifying watchers.

report from the Jackson Hole News and Guide, in the pricey tourist town only a few miles from the park, said tourists were “traipsing” along the Biscuit Basin boardwalk when a “pool of hot water bubbling up from below the surface of the earth began rising up into the air.”

“Some people stopped and started taking videos on their phones as the black cloud rose. Then, rocks started falling from the sky,” the report said.

Visitors at Black Diamond Poll were sent “scrambling … to escape.”

The Cowboy State Daily noted there were no injuries reported right away.

The eruption threw “an immense amount of black water onto a nearby boardwalk, destroying it, and sending tourists running for their safety.

The park’s Biscuit Basin was closed down because of the event…


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